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Interview with Pia Henzelmann, PM Conference 2024 Lead

Interviewer: Lisa Gryzagoridis, PMP, DASM

Interviewee: Pia Henzelmann, Events Experience Director Pia Henzelmann Lisa Gryzagoridis




On the eve of June 20th , I was fortunate to meet with the PMI CH PM Conference 2024 Lead, Pia Henzelmann. Pia has been an invaluable, and extremely active, volunteer since 2020 in the PMI Switzerland Chapter. After having joined the chapter, she rose rapidly through the ranks, from Senior Events Member to Events Director (2021), to VP of Events (2022). Currently she fulfills the role of Events Experience Director, wherein she mentors and gives professional advice to the events teams across Switzerland.

As September 23rd is rapidly approaching, many are inquisitive about what this year's PM Conference has in store for participants. Without diminishing the element of surprise, the below interview offers a sneak peek into the event proceedings.

Lisa: Pia, we're all really looking forward to the PM Conference, and who better to inform us on what's to come, than the Lead herself. To begin with, could you elaborate on the theme AI Unveiled: Transforming Projects and Organisations with Smart Innovation, and how it is particularly relevant in today's context?

Pia: Originally the theme was Innovation in Project Management, another pervasive theme in the domain of Project Management, however, the steering committee realised that there is a big demand for AI, along with many opportunities for advancing AI in project management. For example, how the utilisation of AI tools and applications can benefit individuals and organisations in driving efficiencies. We wanted to leverage those ideas and make sure that we can offer that value to our attendees.

Lisa: So, with the demand being so high for AI, what sets the PMI Switzerland PM Conference apart from other conferences?

Pia: What makes this conference so unique, is that it is organised by project managers who know the field, and who are in the best position to select the best speakers on the topic. Within PMI, there is a wide range of events, covering a broad scope of topics, so we are able to harness that expertise to benefit the conference attendees.

Lisa: That's fantastic! PMI project managers certainly are well-positioned in terms of access to pioneering and leading-edge knowledge and skills. Could you tell me more about the content and speaker selection process?

Pia: We had a very robust, and exhaustive application process. A stringent set of guidelines was developed to evaluate each applicant, and those guidelines also supported the identification of the top speakers and optimal mix of content. Shortlisted applicants were then interviewed, reviewed and selected by the committee.

Lisa: If I heard correctly, there has also been a significant number of applicants this year. Has the interest really been that high for the opportunity to present at this year's conference?

Pia: Yes! We had 40 applications. It was unbelievable. We had to close applications early, so that we could manage the volume. Some people were still reaching out after the application closure, to ask whether they could still submit.

Lisa: With so many applicants, I could imagine that it would be challenging to fit so much into a single-day program. Has the format of the conference already been planned?

Pia: At this stage, I can only give you a small sneak peek... We will definitely have one or two keynote sessions, along with a few workshops in separate rooms, and a panel discussion. We are aiming to make it a fresh experience for people, so the events team is also looking into integrating a special section for novel event formats, but I'll have to keep you in suspense a while longer on that.

Lisa: Leaving me on a cliffhanger, are you? Well, I eagerly anticipate the new format introductions. Beyond the fresh experience, what would you like attendees to take away, or gain, from this experience?

Pia: The best measure of success would be the overall satisfaction of the attendees. If they are able to take something from any of the various sessions, and apply it within their daily work, we would consider that the greatest achievement of the event. Another measure of success is future conference attendance. Conference attendee retention and growth is key.

Lisa: In relation to attendee satisfaction, I recall that there were immediately available surveys during the course of the day at last year's conference. How will you be eliciting feedback from attendees this year? And will there be any further opportunities for attendee engagement post-Conference?

Pia: We intend to continue with the survey form to gather instant feedback. Additionally, following the conference this year, we are planning to offer an AI Masterclass. Individuals who wish to do a deep-dive into a certain topic on AI, will have the opportunity to do so in that Masterclass.

Lisa: I'll be sure to register for that as soon as it has been published! Okay, so we have already established that this is a Project Management Conference, but could this benefit individuals outside of project management roles?

Pia: Definitely! Beyond project managers, of any experience level, the content of this conference would also benefit any individual who is enthusiastic about learning and applying AI in their work, or even diversify into the project management field.

Lisa: Is there anything else that attendees can expect?

Pia: Participants can expect networking opportunities, both before and after the event. Ahead of the PM Conference, an exclusive LinkedIn networking group will be published, where people can connect and discuss various topics, through numerous threads. The team is also considering a working session at the end of the event, for people who would like to increase their professional footprint.

Lisa: And I'm willing to bet that the post-event Apero will be just as impressive as last year.

Pia: You can count on that! Before I go, I would like to let everyone know that the full Program will be available in July, and that those who are interested should take advantage of the early bird ticket pricing.. available now! Looking forward to seeing you all at the PM Conference 2024!


Unlocking the Power of Value Stream Management: Insights from Antonio Morisco

Author: Alpha Ziman, PMP, PBA Alpha Ziman 100x100




The PMI Switzerland Chapter was delighted to welcome Antonio Morisco, Program Manager at Swissquote, to the Agile Community of Practice event. At this event, hosted by Swissquote on June 27th, Antonio delivered insights on Value Stream Management (VSM). As organisations pursue greater efficiency in their agile transformations, the understanding and optimisation of value streams is crucial. Antonio's expertise and practical insights offered attendees a solid foundation to apply VSM in their own contexts.


What is Value Stream Management (VSM)?

Value Stream Management is a lean business practice, focused on the improvement of the flow of value to customers, through the management and optimisation of the sequence of activities involved in producing a product, or delivering a service. Examination of an entire lifecycle (from concept to delivery), through the lens of VSM, assists organisations in the elimination of waste, enhancement of efficiency, and ensures that every step in the process adds value.


Key takeaways from Antonio Morisco's presentation:

  1. Holistic View of Value Streams - Antonio emphasised the need to view value streams as end-to-end processes that cross departmental boundaries. He also highlighted the need to extend from a team-level to an organisational level approach to support true agility. Successful implementation of these would ensure alignment with the overall business objectives.
  2. Identifying and Eliminating Waste - A core principle of VSM is identifying non-value-adding activities, or waste. Antonio shared strategies for identifying inefficiencies and bottlenecks within value streams, which would allow teams to streamline processes, mitigate or eliminate delays, and reduce time-to-market.
  3. Enhancing Collaboration and Communication - Effective VSM requires transparency across the entire workflow, as well as robust collaboration and communication across all organisational levels. Antonio highlighted tools and techniques that could enhance alignment and coordination between teams, which would foster a culture of continuous improvement.
  4. Metrics and Measurement - Antonio discussed the importance of metrics in VSM. By tracking Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), such as 'Cycle time', 'Lead time', and 'Throughput', organisations can benefit from data-driven decisions and quantify the impact of activities.


Antonio Morisco's presentation on Value Stream Management was a significant contribution to the Agile Community of Practice, equipping members with knowledge and tools from Lean, Flow and Theory of Constraints, to support their agile transformations. Through the adoption of VSM principles, organisations can achieve a more streamlined, efficient, and customer-focused delivery process.

Stay Connected

Stay tuned for upcoming events and webinars for more expert insights and knowledge than can be applied in practice, to advance your agile journey.


Editorial - PMI Switzerland Newsletter, June 2024

Author: Philip SPRINGUEL, PMP Philip Springuel NEW 100x100




Dear colleagues, members and friends of PMI Switzerland,

This month, we begin with a "Message from the Board" by Joachim Dehais, VP Volunteers, who offers valuable career advice on leadership and learning.

We’re also delighted this month to present a number of pre-event announcements, most important of which is a call for speakers for our 2024 edition of the Swiss Chapter’s PM Conference, an ideal opportunity for you to submit proposals!

A feature article from Swiss Chapter VP Communications, David Puippe, offers a fundamentally important review of PMI:Next, a must read for all players in the project management arena. Another contribution this month includes a fascinating AI event recap from Six Group’s Wolfgang Steindl, telling the tale of a journey to Mars and beyond!

7 new members are profiled, and again through your monthly newsletter, we offer many reasons to sign up for critical learning and networking events, such as urgently joining Agile or AI-themed communities of your Swiss Chapter and beyond.


Newsletter Copy Editor

Discover PMI:Next – The Future of Project Management 

Author: David Puippe, PMP, ACP, PBA, and VP Communications David Puippe


Dear PMI Switzerland Members,

PMI is a leading global authority in project management, committed to advancing the project management profession. We maximize project success to elevate our world. We empower project professionals around the globe to excel in project management practices through a growing global community, knowledge sharing, and best-in-class certifications, driving positive change in organizations and communities.

As the landscape of project management evolves, so must the strategies that guide it. In this article, you will enter PMI:Next, PMI's latest initiative designed to future-proof the field and keep project managers at the forefront of innovation.

What is PMI purpose?

PMI purpose is more than a statement. This is the force that guides everything that we do, including at a chapter level. We defined our purpose by answering one simple question: "How can we leverage our superpowers to impact the world?" We have always been a purpose-driven organization, and with intentional focus and a clearly articulated purpose statement and commitments, we are ensuring our founding principles are core to success.

What is PMI:Next?

In 2024, PMI is building momentum by sharpening its purpose, evolving its strategy, and strengthening its values to deliver on a clear, common, and shared purpose. This clarity will help all chapters to maximize their impact to drive meaningful change. The meaning of Next is the following:

N - Nurture Our Purpose & Values
E - Empower Ourselves
X – eXpand Our Impact
T - Tighten Our Focus

PMI:Next in a nutshell:

Our guiding stars which do not change over time are our purpose and value. These fundamental elements of PMI:Next strategy, which defines your chapter strategy as well, are structured as below:

Purpose: We maximize project success to elevate our world.
Values: Make it Easy, Aim Higher, Be Welcoming, Embrace Curiosity, Together We Can.

The key parts of PMI:Next strategy, for now, are:

  • Who we serve: Current and aspiring project professionals
  • Where we play: Community Generated Knowledge Platforms & Resources; Career Long Learning & Development; and Most Trusted “Gold Standard” Professional Certifications
  • How we operate: Focus on the profession; Activation Model; and Internal Capability Building

The Swiss Chapter Board is currently utilising these guidelines to further develop the local community, and contributing to the future of our profession.

Want to know more about PMI:Next?

Pre-event communication - Driving Project Success with AI

Authors: Eric Jelenje, PMP, and Joachim Dehais, PMP
Joachim Dehais 100pxEric Jelenje 2




The hype is here, you cannot avoid it. Artificial Intelligence is in every mouth, newspaper, website, seminar.

If you are tired of talking, and are ready to get your hands dirty, join our evening AI practice workshop online on the 25th of June 2024.

Long gone are the days of two-layer perceptrons, now AI has nearly as many brain cells as we do, and if we listen to business consultants, it is ready to take our jobs. Not quite, and yet, better have a look, in case its brain cells decide to mimic 'Idiocy' more than 'Intelligence'. AI is to intellectual work what machines were two centuries ago, a potential, a workhorse, a promise.

You have a chance to adapt to the technological shift and its societal implications. Come to learn how the tech works, how it doesn’t, what you have to be careful about, and how you can leverage it.

Through examples and hands-on experience, we offer you a space to experiment, to learn, to ask, and to come out in charge, capable of using it, as well as improve your work and workplace. We will go through some theory, examples, and serious practice sessions on use cases from the PMBOK. So have a read, ponder, and choose to join us and many professionals working towards the future.

Has that piqued your interest? Then, see you there!

Info and registration: here