Author: Paul Selwold, PMP

Paul Selwold

In his article, “2023 Year in Review”, PMI CEO, Pierre Le Manh, talked about, among other things, the successful launch of a program called “Single Membership” in the India Chapter.
Following the success of this launch, PMI intends to review the program and adopt lessons learned in preparation for implementing Single Membership across all chapters, including ours.

Single Membership, by itself, will require an update to the Chapter Bylaws, but rest assured, PMI has given our chapter the template to use which is compatible with the Single Membership program.

The promise of Single Membership, together with some events that our chapter has experienced in recent years, provides enough justification for changing our Bylaws now.
As such, the Board of Directors, together with the Chapter Advisory Board, is evaluating whether to invite the Chapter Membership to vote on changes to the Chapter Bylaws at the upcoming AMM.

Chapter Membership must be given at least 30 days to review all proposed changes prior to any vote being taken on the matter.
This review period allows each and every member to ask questions or request clarification.
If we want to have a vote on proposed changes to the Bylaws during the next AMM, then the Membership should expect to be informed of the start of the review period sometime in early January. It will be a nice start to the new year!

Before the review period can begin, we need to be certain that the proposed new Bylaws are compatible with Swiss law, so we are working now to secure the requisite legal counsel.

Feel free to contact me directly if you have any questions on the matter, I will be only too happy to try to answer them.

If you are the type of person who likes to be prepared, then you will be interested to review what the Bylaws currently are like.

Happy reading. Stay tuned!