Inspired by PMIs Global Executive Council, the Swiss Corporate Networking Group (SCNG) aims to be the leading Swiss project management forum for best practice and thought leadership in the areas of project, portfolio, program and change management practices. While the Chapter's focus are the project management practitioners, the SCNG brings together experts who are driving the topic of project management on organization level, such as heads of a corporate PMO, portfolio managers, project delivery responsibles, academic lecturers/researchers, etc.

Founded in 2010, the SCNG meets 3 times a year for a full-day conference (onsite or virtual) on a topic chosen by the members. At these conferences, SCNG members or subject matter experts from their organizations, as well as representatives from PMI and the Switzerland Chapter meet for presentations and knowledge exchange. Also, PMI and the Switzerland Chapter inform the SCNG members about latest activities within their organizations. In addition, the members frequently reach out to each other for advice on specific topics, or even meet each other directly to exchange experiences.


PMI SCNG at RUAG klein

Meeting in January 2023 at RUAG, with the CEO Brigitte Beck 


Member Organizations

Currently (January 2022), the following organizations are represented in the SCNG: Atos, Hewlett Packard Enterprise, Holcim, IBM, MSD, Nagravision, Nestlé, OM Pharma, Philip Morris International, Postfinance, Procter & Gamble, Roche, RUAG, Schindler, SITA, SIX, Skyguide, Sunrise, Swiss Re, Syngenta, UBS, Institute for Organizational Viability - ZHAW School for Management and Law (Winterthur), Zurich Insurance.



Here's a list of topics of the meetings:


Meeting No      Date      Topic                                               Host
1 January 2010    Kickoff Swiss Re
2 May 2010    PM Careers University of Fribourg
3 October 2010    PM Methodologies Roche 
4 January 2011    Executive Support for PM IBM
5 July 2011    Global PM Philip Morris
6 November 2011    Agile PM Credit Suisse
7  March 2012   Project Metrics and PMO Procter & Gamble 
8 June 2012   Resource Management Hewlett Packard
9 October 2012   Complex Projects Holcim
10 March 2013   Management of Change Zurich Insurance
11 June 2013   Portfolio Planning Nagravision
12 November 2013   Agile & Waterfall Orange
13 April 2014   Skills & Careers SITA
14 August 2014   Change Leadership University of Fribourg
15 November 2014   Enterprise PMO & Hybrid PM Swiss Re
16 April 2015   Better, faster, cheaper Roche
17 August 2015   Value of a PMO Skyguide
18 February 2016   Hybrid PM Philip Morris
19 November 2016   Quality Management UBS
20 March 2017   Scaled Agile Nagravision
21 May 2017   Portfolio Management Credit Suisse
22 November 2017   Adjacent Methodologies to PM Nestlé
23 March 2018   Outsourcing / Offshoring Syngenta
24 June 2018   The Future of PM Swisscom
25 November 2018   Value & Benefits Management Allianz Suisse
26 April 2019   Non-IT Projects SIX
27 September 2019   Product vs Project Management Sunrise
28 November 2020   Executive Roundtable with
the President of PMI / Lean PM
Vifor & IBM
29 September 2020   Virtual PM Online
30 January 2021   Agile Governance Online
31 June 2021   Excellence in Operations Online
32 November 2021   Design Thinking Swiss Re
33 March 2022    Project Management Tools Online
34 August 2022   New Ways of Working Philip Morris
35 January 2023   Data-driven projects / Artificial Intelligence in Project Management RUAG
36 June 2023   Organizational / Transformation Projects Holcim
37 October 2023   Linking Projects with Strategy OM Pharma
38 February 2024   Portfolio Management PostFinance
39 June 2024   Enterprise Agility / Resilience Zurich Insurance
40 tbd   ESG / Green Transformation / Sustainability tbd



"My organization is interested in joining the SCNG. What are the membership criteria?"

The criteria are as follows:

  • Swiss or non-Swiss organization with at least several dozen project managers in Switzerland
  • Must have a central organization driving project management (e.g. a PMO), and a standard project management methodology
  • The person representing the organization must be responsible for implementation and development or project management on company level
  • The organization must have a good maturity in project management and be willing to share good practices - or must be a Swiss university with lectures and research of relevance to the network
  • Companies with potential conflicts of interests (e.g. commercial) cannot become members of the SCNG.

"My organization is a member of the SCNG, can I participate at the meetings?"

Organizations can invite selected subject matter experts on the topic of the day to give a presentation. Other participations are not possible.

"Is there a membership fee for the SCNG?"

There is no membership fee, however, organizations are expected to host a meeting once in a while.

"Does every PMI chapter have a corporate networking group?"

Unfortunately not, the PMI SCNG is quite unique. However, PMI is very interested in supporting other chapters in replicating the Swiss model.

"My organization is interested, how can we apply?"

To apply, please contact Martin Härri or Agata Czopek (via Chapter Office) for a first interview. Candidates then will have to fill in a profile which will be sent to all current members, and if there are no objections, the organization will be added to the SCNG members