
Chapter Communications Blog

PMI Switzerland Chapter Elections: Your Vote, Your Impact


Kathrin Lutz PMP, ACP / Elena Milusheva, PMP / Alp Camci, PMP

 Elena Milusheva  Kathrin Lutz  Alp Camci


PMI Switzerland Chapter Elections: Your Vote, Your Impact (November 15 – December 15, 2023)

The Project Management Institute (PMI) Switzerland Chapter is a community driven by innovation, leadership, and collaboration. Please be on the lookout for an email from the Global PMI team on November 15 th with the voting instructions. We are counting on your involvement to shape the future of PMI Switzerland.

As we navigate a world of constant change, we want to highlight the power of voting. Your vote is important and here’s why it matters to PMI Switzerland:

  • Shaping Our Chapter's Future: Your vote directly influences the leadership and direction of PMI Switzerland. By participating in chapter elections, you ensure that our leaders represent your values, interests, and vision for our community.
  • Fostering Professional Growth: Your vote helps select leaders who are committed to advancing project management in Switzerland. With the right leadership, our chapter can offer more networking opportunities, professional development events, and resources to empower your career.
  • Inclusivity and Diversity: Just as we promote diversity and inclusion in project management, your vote can support leaders who champion these values within our chapter, making it a welcoming and diverse community for all.
  • Defending Our Rights: Voting is not just a right but a duty that safeguards the democratic principles we cherish. By participating in elections, you actively contribute to the protection of our democratic traditions.

We invite all PMI Switzerland members to actively engage in our chapter's elections, influence our direction, and contribute to the growth of our project management community. Be informed, participate, and make your voice count.
Your vote has the power to make a real impact right here. Join us in strengthening our community and advancing the practice of project management in our country.

You can vist the Elections page to know more about the candidates here : Elections


Thank you for your support!
Your Elections Team
Kathrin Lutz, Elena Milusheva and Alp Camci

Retrospective PM Conference Article - Effects of recent and upcoming AI discoveries

Author: Joanna Lubowiecka, PMP

Joanna Lubowiecka


Effects of recent and upcoming AI discoveries by Annar Merirand

The session started with explaining general terms in the area of AI together with a roadmap of its development - here, we stopped and gave it a moment to understand where we are currently.

A group of people in a room attending presentation


Basically, we have Narrow AI and Weak AI which is capable of doing narrow set of tasks as eg. recognising or creating speech and recognizing or creating images. The AI explosion is happening now because we have access to two components: scalable computing power and high quality data.

The other thing which was pointed out is the difference between Narrow AI and AGI (Artificial General Intelligence). This introduction could help us imagine more easily what will come next with a great example of having a video call with AI tools which will change how we learn and work.


Afterwards we dived into opportunities and risks that bring AI into individual, organizational and societal aspects of our lives. 

Giving just a few examples of each while using LLM-s (currently chatGPT, Bard AI etc.): 


Individual opportunities 

Individual risks

Immediate feedback on your ideas

Scamming and phishing is getting more refined 

Refine written content for emails and presentations

Spam phone calls with speech synthesis 

Speed up software development and problem solving 

Providing inaccurate answers with high confidence 


Organizational opportunities 

Organizational risks

Performance improvement and automation of routine tasks

GIGO - Garbage In, Garbage Out 

Improving Intranet search 

IT security - more sophisticated attacks 

Getting the IT teams and infrastructure ready for what comes next. 

Data leaks 


Societal opportunities 

Societal risks

Industrial automation

Technological Unemployment and skills gap 

Automation on repetitive tasks 

Bad Actors - criminal organizations, terrorists , states…

Improving the continuous learning 

Losing control of the AI development 


Those aspects brought an awareness of both, positive and negative aspects of the AI which shall be considered in our private and professional lives. 

At the end we had been given a few books proposals that goes deeper into the topic of AI and might be very useful to understand the changes we are facing now.



* Article was created on the personal session experience, backuped with speaker presentation. 



What motivates project managers to work in projects and to pursue a career in project management?

Author: Ruth Christine Lechler

Ruth Christine Lechler


Survey: Project Career and Talent Management

What motivates project managers to work in projects and to pursue a career in project management? 

This is exactly what a scientific study, conducted by WU Wien and TU Darmstadt is investigating.

This global survey represents a significant extension of the PMI-supported research project, "The Future of Project Work."

You can find the attached Whitepaper, which presents the extensive research findings.

This survey will be distributed globally and the findings will be presented in an online conference early 2024

By taking part, you'll have the opportunity to:

  •  Learn what motivates you in your specific project type
  •  Receive a personalized report with insights tailored to you
  •  Compare your motivations with peers

📢 For companies: Curious about how your project teams measure up?

Get your company-specific survey and get in touch with our coordinator, Ruth Lechler at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Project Career and Talent mg

PMI UK Virtual Sustainability Summit 8th November 2023

Author: Mariia Borsuk

Mariia Borsuk

Dear PMI Switzerland Community,

We are thrilled to introduce one of our speakers for the upcoming Sustainability Summit on November 8th, 2023.

Mariia Borsuk, a biotechnology industry professional with a focus on sustainable projects, will be talking about “Tackling Multiple SDGs With The Power Of Cellular Agriculture.” The presentation promises to be a thought-provoking journey into the future of sustainable food production, and the critical role project managers can play in this transformation.

In an era where meat consumption has skyrocketed, Mariia will shed light on the astonishing shift in the perception of meat from a luxury product to a daily staple and the alarming environmental cost of our meat-heavy diets. She highlights excessive land use, deforestation, water consumption, greenhouse gas emissions, water and soil pollution, and antibiotic resistance. The meat industry is not only an inefficient way to feed humanity, but also detrimental to our planet’s health. 

The question arises: can we address this issue without giving up our beloved meats? Science and technology offer a solution—cultivated meat. This technology is not a distant dream; there are already 156 cultivated meat companies in 26 countries, and products are hitting the market. 

Cultivated meat product prototypes demonstrated thus far by startups include salmon nigiri, hamburgers, pork sausages, shrimp dumplings, pork belly, and fish maw.

                                                                                                                                                                                           Cultivated meat product prototypes demonstrated thus far by startups include salmon nigiri, hamburgers, pork sausages, shrimp dumplings, pork belly, and fish maw. Photo credit: Higher Steaks, Wildtype, Mosa Meat, Shiok Meats, New Age Meats, and Avant Meats.                                                                 


Cultivated meat has the potential to revolutionize the meat industry by significantly reducing its environmental impact. Mariia advocates for project managers to become champions of sustainable practices and technologies to achieve multiple UN SDGs. She offers practical strategies for using our unique skills and perspectives to accelerate the transition to a healthy planet.

Don’t miss the opportunity to gain insights on one of the most pressing global challenges, ask questions, and be part of the dialogue on how we can make a difference in our world through innovative solutions like cultivated meat.


Join us at the PMI UK Sustainability Summit on November 8th, 2023, and be part of the change!

Register for the Summit here:

Together, we can work towards a more sustainable future.




Editorial PMI Switzerland Newsletter April 2020

Author: Adi Muslic, PMP

So many changes in so little time. Last month was very intense. It required a lot of effort just to keep up with news, not to mention adjusting to all changes and measures affecting our lives. Some of the measures are to stay for a long time with us, some others will gradually disappear. Although the efforts to find new ways to fight more effectively the virus are tremendous, we will certainly continue living with the virus for many months to come.

My biggest concern, going forward, is the part of the population that is at high risk. Even if they stay at home but a spouse or a relative has to go out, there is still a chance to bring the virus back home. It is quite clear that we will keep the security social distance enforced for some time. But this may still not be enough to feel secure, as the meeting rooms can be quite small. The best way to be better protected is to carry on a protective face mask, gloves and use the quarantine precautions once back home. Will it be the new normal to wear on a mask and gloves in business meetings? Would not, in that case, a video conferencing be more appropriate?

There are so many lessons to learn from this experience in each segment of our lives. The importance of controlled and measured communications. The endless capacity to adjust and change to survive. The need for flexibility and agility to turn around your business or life.
The remote working and home office may become more common practice, and be used as an alternative when appropriate. Having family dinners or celebrations organized with a video conferencing could be used to meet more often.

Thanks to the online events team, PMI Switzerland will be now organizing online events. This new experience may become in the future the new format of the regular in-person events done before. Wouldn't it be nice to attend an event organized in Basel, but from your home, in Geneva or Zurich?

Every change is an opportunity. Let's make use of this one.

Be safe,
