Florian Ivan

Isatu Barrie, PMP

Are you a seasoned project manager and want to share your experience with others?
Or are you less experienced and have questions you are looking for answers to?
Then our Community of Practice could be the right place for you.
What is a Community of Practice anyways?
Communities have been around for thousands of years and they’ve always been paramount to problem-solving and human evolution. People who share a problem or a passion for something get together regularly and learn how to do it better.
What’s in it for me?
Communities of practice are a great place to find pertinent answers quickly and solve issues in a matter of minutes. Most of our problems are not unique and chances are somebody has already dealt with the same problem and can provide some help.
Every discipline has its own depth, vocabulary, and culture. And jokes! A community of practice is a tribe where like-minded people network and exchange ideas. It is a great place to test ideas, get some peer review, and experiment. It’s real and it’s unbiased.
As corny as it sounds, true fulfillment comes with helping others. Community members feel proud and accomplished because of the help they provide hence making a direct impact in somebody’s life.
How you can help, are you asking?
Does all that sound great? Yes, it does but there’s a small investment needed to turn it into reality. For this, to work, everybody needs to contribute with their own experience, knowledge, expertise and most importantly, time! This investment can range from a couple of minutes to a few hours a week. It can be answering questions, solving problems, or simply just saying something comforting to someone who needs to hear something nice.
Help us help you!
We welcome your input. Please complete this short questionnaire to let us know what sort of information you will find beneficial.
Your opinion matters to us!
We are excited to hear your brilliant ideas. The survey will be open until August 20th. The result and the next step will be published in the September Newsletter. Thank you for your immense contribution. We are looking forward to working with you on this initiative.