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Impressions from “Reinventing project management - Hybridisation from the field”

Impressions from “Reinventing project management - Hybridisation from the field”

Lisa Gryzagoridis

Author: Lisa Gryzagoridis, PMP® DASM®



The concept of a Hybrid Project Management Approach first had successful application in the early 2000’s, yet it remains in its infancy in terms of adoption and formalisation within organisations. This was the overarching theme of the November 1st PMI Event, “Reinventing project management - Hybridisation from the field”, hosted at iSolutions, Zurich.

As a recognised expert in the Hybrid Approach, the Keynote Speaker, Stéphane Derouin, shared his extensive expertise with an audience of professionals who have varying degrees of exposure to, or experience applying, Agile or Hybrid methodologies. Having significant experience in both Traditional and Agile domains, Stéphane is presently a self-proclaimed ‘non-purist’ in the selection and application of project management methodologies. Moreover, he is an enthusiastic advocate for Hybrid Approaches, particularly those tailored specifically to optimise value-delivery within each unique Program context. “There is no single approach that can be applied to all projects at any time”.


Stéphane Derouin opening presentation


Owing to increasing complexity and resource constraints in project delivery, Value Management has become an imperative. Value Management, within the context of Project Management, is broadly concerned with the creation and maximisation of value, or benefit, to the customer and the organisation. Simplistically, its goal is to deliver the (1) highest possible value, with the (2) lowest possible effort, and (3) lowest possible technical debt. Value realisation necessitates a departure from traditional modes of thought and behaviour, as the focus needs to shift from ‘completing a deliverable’, to ‘achieving a desired outcome’. Successfully applied, it resolves some of the challenges typically experienced in project management, such as the difficulty in justifying budget and demonstrating benefits, and the difficulty in prioritising an increasingly large number of business requests. Moreover, Value Management also serves to bridge the commonly occurring gap between IT and Business functions with regards to a shared vision or shared understanding. As the focus shifts from ‘the what’ to ‘the why’, there is greater clarity for IT functions in designing and delivering against the Business Functions’ desired outcomes.

The question is then… What does ‘Value’ mean to you?

The list of value classifications is inexhaustible. One can choose to pursue value delivery in profit, cost reduction, risk reduction, time-to-market, social impact, or customer satisfaction, to name a selective few. One of the challenges in managing by value is identifying the various sources of value, and then defining and prioritising them in alignment with the organisation’s strategy, because value is perceived differently by various stakeholders. However, if successfully defined, organisations are primed to reap the benefits from selecting the greatest value-adding initiatives, optimising resource allocation, and strengthening shared focus on efficient, high-quality deliveries.


Stéphane continued his presentation by proposing the notion that the Project Management Office (PMO) and the Value Management Office (VMO) complement each other’s roles, as both are required to optimise project outcomes using a Value Management Approach. The role of PMO remains focussed on managing projects according to cost, quality, scope, and schedule, through the provision of frameworks and minimum standards, allocation of resources, and supporting the project in risk management and governance. The role of VMO focuses on identifying value streams within the organisation, as well as aligning initiatives to the value streams within the broader organisational strategy. The VMO supports improved flow of value delivery, as well as the formalising and monitoring of value generation. This is achieved through defining and tracking Objectives and Key Results (OKR), which form the criteria of success for each initiative.

Once the foundational concepts had been shared, Stéphane engaged the audience in an interactive discussion on how to select a Hybrid Approach, including tailoring considerations. For example, opportunities exist to selectively adopt Agile rituals or ceremonies into Traditional approaches, which may serve to optimise project outcomes.

A sample decision-grid tool was presented, to illustrate how project managers can systematically select approaches for each unique project context. The benefit of this type of tool is that it allows one to identify the most suitable approach more easily, based on that approach’s strengths matched to each individual project component. I found this tool reminiscent of the Disciplined Agile Toolkit, in that it is based on Decision-tree principles. This tool, however, was specifically designed to transcend specific institutional frameworks and Sectorism, so that it can be utilised across industries and contexts.

As boundless as the Hybridisation options are, so too were audience member sentiments and concerns relating to Hybridisation adoption. Scenario-based queries ranged from organisational and cultural resistance to process integration challenges and scalability concerns. Fortunately, one need not have attended this event to benefit from real-world example discussions.

In November 2023, the 1st Edition of the “Hybrid Best Practice Guide: PMI France - The Power of Hybridization: Sharing Field Experiences in Project Management” was published, and is available for purchase through Amazon, (English and French versions). It is a collection of real-world case studies that illustrate the practical application of the core principles of Hybridisation, and how tailoring can address shortcomings of standalone approaches. Should this topic interest you, you may want to add it to your reading list.



It's good to be Negative

We are already in November and COVID situation is still very difficult. We have new restrictions, home office is in some places mandatory and sadly, we notice how the number of positive cases is raising up. For that, it’s good to be Negative, specially tested negative. 
One of the lessons we can learn from the PMBoK is how to be more organized and how can we manage everything better. In this actual situation it’s very important to think and act also thinking in your environment. Wearing the mask and following the instructions can save your life but also your relatives. Working together as a team can make our life better, be a manager, be a leader.
Because in this moment... it’s good to be NEGATIVE. 

Open Spaces

Author: Patryk Nosalik, PMP

Including interview with Matteo Mazzeri, DevOps & Open Spaces visionary 

Have you ever taken part in an Open Space? And I’m not referring to an open space office floorplan, but a meeting organised by the principles and law of Open Spaces Technology. From my sharing the idea with the Events team at PMI, or posing the question on Linkedin recently, seems that very few have.

So to set the scene, we all know about waterfall vs agile, so what about applying this to the meeting itself? Think about a classic well planned business meeting. With predetermined invitees – how long does it take you to get everyone on board, match calendars etc? And nothing worse than unengaged people not knowing why they’re there, right? Of course the meeting needs a defined agenda, best sent out in advance aiming for a specific goal – get a decision, come up with a solution, whatever is the main thing we want out of the meeting, as nothing worse than a meeting without conclusion, right? Of course meetings are always at a given time and usually set for an hour or other predefined time. Finally how often have you sat at a meeting because it was the done thing, you felt you had to (e.g. your boss is there).

So imagine breaking all of these traditional meeting rules, and as with agile, not replacing them with rules, but with principles, of which here the main ones are: 

  • whoever comes is the right people, 
  • whatever happens is the only thing that could have, 
  • when it starts is the right time, 
  • when it’s over it’s over.

Plus law of two feet – if you’re not gaining or adding to the meeting, feel free to use your two feet to go elsewhere.

I’d find it hard to imagine the productivity if you told me about this, but I stumbled upon it at an Agile meetup in Geneva who were using this, they made me welcome, and it was a very engaging experience. Since then I have also seen Open Spaces at the Geneva DevOpsDays this year, a 300+ person 2 day conference, where the Open Spaces were made possible on the second day as alternatives to some of the speeches, and I saw 30+ attendees in one session. Interested in the dynamics of this type of meeting, I reached out to Matteo Mazzeri who was responsible for both the events I mentioned here. 

  • Matteo, tell me, when did you first find out about Open Spaces? 
  • It’s been a long time, I can’t pinpoint it, I find it so enriching, I started doing something called Unconferences 10 years ago. I started doing different formats to find way more interaction with people. With traditional conferences it’s really interesting to receive information but after some time you want to start sharing, and so I really needed to find a format that wasn’t unidirectional and Open Spaces was enriching in that.
  • Why did you choose to do Open Spaces at the DevOpsDays?
  • DevOpsDays is a global conference started in Belgium some 10 years ago, I’m not one of the creators, I just do it in Geneva, but the creators started with Open Spaces in their events straight away,because they also come from the free software philosophy and open source movement, and Unconferences and Open Spaces are very much a thing in free software peoplethe so they promoted it from the beginning of their event, so now when you do a DevOpsDays in your city, Open Spaces are automatic, or at least a strong suggestion to do them.
  • Are you happy with how the Open Spaces were done in the DevOpsDays?
  • Yes, we adapted a little bit how we did it in Geneva, to make it fit well the Geneva community, so slightly different than elsewhere but people that took part were extremely happy. 
  • So what did you adapt? 
  • We chose to have in parallel conferences and Open Spaces instead of a whole day Open Spaces, plus also experienced facilitators for the two open space rooms we had, and a list of topics which is normal, but what we didn’t do is to have every participant talking about their proposal in front of the public, which is sort of a tradition with Open Spaces, you have everyone presenting in front of the full audience.
  • But in the Agile meetup we didn’t do this, all the ideas on post-sticks went to the moderator and the moderator read out the ideas almost anonymously…
  • There are different flavours, and several different factors can impact how the flavour of the moment goes, there are some general guidelines and then there’s the sensibilities of organiser and people present, not a fixed rulebook to follow. 
  • Ok, so a bit like Agile in general has a common manifesto and principles but there are 70 frameworks, so is there how far can you go before you start losing the benefits?
  • Yeah, important to have a good facilitator to avoid having a single person or two who monopolise the discussion as otherwise it will go sterile, important to get everyone participating. Also if you really want an outcome at the end, then through the facilitator you have a little format that allows first a phase where everyone is sharing experience, ideas about a topic, then the most organically interesting topics go into discussion phase, then before the end we like some actions that should emerge, so the facilitator will explain the structure of the Open Space and why actions at the end, so at the end a restitution, a delivery of all the different Open Space topics from different places in a common setting, and benefit of outcome to whole group. For example a company for a specific reason, be it: a problem they need to solve; or reorganise themselves; or they need to discuss ideas that are to become projects, it’s a very good way to capitalise on the collective intelligence, and to not lose the dynamic that is generated and make it a common knowledge. But the limits would be just do the exercise and have someone talk about whatever he wants over everyone else, so there is no dialogue, or people who feel they are not useful but they don’t risk moving away like mobility rule of two feet, maybe because the rules weren’t explained at the beginning. There are some details that need to be taken into account to ensure everyone is having a good time so it is important at the beginning to share a minimum set of principles and make sure everyone is feeling at ease and good in a benevolent space, to avoid any internal fighting. 
  • Ok, but then also you have the defined time slot 5-10min per topic so if there’s something bad happening between two people then the others can vote to stop this topic and move on
  • Yes
  • Since they are by definition quite unstructured in terms of a prioriagenda points, what benefits do the organisers and sponsors get out of these?
  • The whole philosophy of the DevOpsDays more than just the Open Space itself was to create a community, so for sponsors we had a dialogue, to not actively have sales pitches but to build relations, and Open Spaces are best way to build relations, so if the sponsors really believe in what they are doing, they really have a product that is useful for the community, so they don’t need to sell it, they just need to make sure they create relations, and then the sale will happen afterwards in a much more healthy way than pushing. The sponsors need to know what the philosophy and spirit is, and agree to come on that basis, then they will be happy building real relations with the community.
  • On they talk about the benefit of Open Spaces being when urgency is paramount, conflict is present, complexity is huge, and there are diverse stakeholder
  • Yes
  • So in these exceptionally VUCA times, are you seeing a rise in uptake or interest in Open Spaces?
  • Yes, we have been believers in Open Spaces for a long time, we try to diffuse them for as long time, initially there was more scepticism to the strange structure, but now people are more receptive, I cannot put any numbers, but a great way to put different profiles together for fruitful discussion.
  • When I started reading around the topic, Open Spaces have been around for 25+ years, yet I get the impression that very few people are familiar with the idea, so are Open Spaces too Agile, too “new age” for the organised corporate world? 
  • I don’t think they are too Agile or New Age I think there is a friction in the corporate world where if you have a classic hierarchical system where managers are there to dictate work to others, and that is their power, then they will fear the loss of power from dictator to facilitator, a risk of feeling useless. However if they have some agile background, or have read about the mind-set, then they are more open from understanding the benefits for themselves directly, the company and the team. A more horizontal ground, no stars, everyone same level, everyone sharing knowledge, a shift of mind-set is necessary. Usually everyone who has faced Open Spaces says they really love them.
  • So any specific advice how can enterprises better benefit from this type of meeting structure?
  • Try it (laughs) best thing is to try it!
  • How can project managers utilise OS for the benefit of the projects they lead? 
  • Yes, during a retrospective, when taking the time to analyse the process, there are several ways, e.g. games, tools, and possible Open Spaces if you have a diversified team, that’s where you get the richness. If homogenous team that all think the same way maybe not so much benefit from Open Spaces. So at the end when analysing the developed process, but also at the beginning, to emerge how to solve problems, so e.g. on new project, where many complexities and you don’t know how to go about solving it, that could be a great thing to get all the stakeholders together to bring about some solutions. Also sharing knowledge, like the collective intelligence.
  • Oh and why the Technology in Open Spaces Technology?
  • That’s a good question, I don’t know (laughs)

To illustrate some of what Matteo mentioned I found an example of a past Open space facilitated meeting held in in Poland at the Empathy Festival in 2019 where multiple topics were raised, working to fight discrimination in multiple forms (so a complex topic), where over 50 participants from backgrounds such as commerce, finance, training, cosmetics, banking, charities, museums  (i.e diversity) a were arranged in a circle all supplied with note pads and pens to add their items for discussion (facilitation of all to participate equally, no hierarchy).  Katarzyna Kaźmierczak, a social psychologist that took part relates the WOW effect of such truly sincere human interaction with no pressure yet highly productive time spent realising that empathy isn’t just passive charity but also a need for self-awareness which allows for assertiveness.  

PMI Switzerland Chapter will hold its first ever Open Space meeting on 28/05/2020, virtually (of course!) where up to 50 active participants are welcome to try out the format, for more details see:

or follow our social network profiles for updated information.

If you’d like to participate in a future Open Space meeting, want help in setting up your own Open Space, or would like to know more on the topic, or know why Open Spaces are sometimes called Open Space Technology ;) please contact the author (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).


Matteo Mazzeri

Matteo Mazzeri

Multicultural and multidisciplinary, with an agile and appreciative approach Matteo facilitates the re-organization of businesses and administrations in order to thrive in the digital age. Organizer of DevopsDays Geneva, TEDxGeneva, Responsive City Camps with Grégoire Japiot and of several open spaces and barcamps on agility and collective intelligence, Matteo often intervenes as a speaker on themes related to the impact of digital technology and positive economy.


Patryk Nosalik, MBA, PMP 

18+ years international experience in B2B sales, vendor & project management, implementing: partner co-operation programmes, IT systems, regulatory compliance, products distribution in complex operating environments in a multiple entity organisations for financial services and B2B.


Sources / further reading (links valid 21/04/2020):


Artificial Intelligence

Author: Dr.Alexander Schuhmacher

Alexander Schumacher

Artificial Intelligence (AI) increasingly impacts all industries and functions. Therefore, the question of what influence AI will have on the project management practice is also raised. Exactly this topic is now being investigated through a thesis work at the University of St. Gallen (Switzerland) in collaboration with Reutlingen University (Germany). The research covers an analysis of the PMI processes and the impact of AI technologies on it. 

This survey is launched to get your expert opinion and the viewpoints of other project management experts on this subject matter. Please give us your insights and to fill out the max. 10 min. short survey by using the following link:

It is without saying, that all personal information will be handled in accordance with European data protection regulations. And you will receive a brief benchmark report, after the study has been closed.

Prof. Dr. Alexander Schuhmacher


Ideas and effort in Covid times

Author: Miguel Hurtado, CAPM

Miguel Hurtado

Seat, Zara, Givenchy, Dior or your favorite beer. What do they have in common during this time? Easy, a big effort to adapt to critical situations. 

With the COVID-19 virus and the crisis situation world economy took a halt, affecting everything from local shops to big factories...many jobs have either been put on hold or put in a home office situation. But some industries have adapted very quick to help in this COVID-19 situation. 

We can find examples everywhere, but I wish to focus on 2 different examples: beer and cars. In Switzerland Fasnachtbier is very common during Carnival time, a tradition during the years but with this last crisis and the cancellation of Carnival's festivities, beer factories didn't have the opportunity to sell their product. But the beer industry reacted and refocused the production and the recycle of its unsold beer to produce alcohol for hand disinfection, dedicated to supply local pharmacies, and neighbors helping neighbors in difficult times. 

The second example is the auto industry. In countries like Spain or Italy where the pandemic hit hard, the auto industry became a good helper. They stopped the production of some cars and decided to find a way to fight the virus and help. A volunteer group developed a breathing machine using the motor of the windscreen wiper!

Around the world we can find examples of how project management provides the chance to lead change and help people.

From elderly people creating handmade masks with sewing machines to big industries creating medical devices, all these are projects and all will make the change we need. 

We can do it, if we work together!