Editorial - PMI Switzerland Newsletter, April 2024

Author: Lisa Gryzagoridis, PMP, DASM Lisa Gryzagoridis



Dear Readers,

One quarter through 2024, and as I reflect on the all that has been accomplished within the PMI Swiss Chapter, as well as the Roadmap for the remaining year... I feel both proud and excited... and ever so slightly fatigued :D

I rely on humour to energize myself, as I hope many of you do as well. So in that spirit...

  • Why was everyone so tired on April 1? Because they just finished a long 31-day March.
  • Why can April jump so high? It’s spring!
  • Individuals born on March 31st are the easiest to prank on April Fools’ Day... They were literally born yesterday!

If you enjoyed those, we hope that you will enjoy the 'Easter Egg' tucked away in this edition of the PMI Switzerland Chapter Newsletter.

Also within this edition, Nikola Goran Čutura, the new Chapter President, shares his appreciation for our community and expresses his perspectives on the future.

Readers can also look forward to reading reflections on the Annual Members Meeting (AMM 2024), a tribute to a titan in the project management field, and an introduction to the second PM Talks topic in the series.

Not to be overlooked, are the indispensible Sponsors & Partners offerings and upcoming events, the pinnacle of which being the PM Conference 2024... so 'Save the date'!

Happy Easter Weekend and 'Happy Reading'!

Best regards,
