Author: Philip SPRINGUEL, PMP
Copy Editor PMI Switzerland Chapter Newsletter teamLisa Gryzagoridis


Dear PMI Switzerland members and colleagues,

With this March 2024 edition of the newsletter, we’re privileged to present Joanna Lubowiecka’s interview with PMI’s Claudia Alcelay, Project Manager for Artificial Intelligence, discussing the integration of PMI Infinity into PMI’s courses: “It is crucial to be flexible and aware of changing technology.” Claudia will be the keynote speaker at PMI’s Annual Members Meeting to be held this 14 March in Zurich.

Also this month, PMI Switzerland’s Mentoring Director Isis Gouedard illustrates for us how our Chapter’s Mentoring Program is resonating throughout our community: “From mentees who have achieved career milestones to mentors who have witnessed the transformative power of guidance.”

Mafalda Amaro writes this month about an enthusiastic February start to our PMI Switzerland ‘PM Talks,’ which intend to foster engagement and enhance the skills of project professionals in our community. Mafalda relates how Alkistis Petropakis covered a range of topics in this initial event, offering practical advice and sharing advanced experience in the field of Gender Diversity in the Swiss Workplace.

As we do with each newsletter, Alp Camci introduces our new PMI Switzerland members in the included monthly update.

To ensure you don’t miss upcoming events and benefit from knowledge sharing among your fellow PMI Switzerland members and experts, always check our website events page and social media channels. This newsletter also highlights the all-important PM Conference, to be held this year in September in Lausanne on the subject: “Innovation in Project Management - Risks and Opportunities.” Sign up early to reserve your place in this extraordinary annual PMI Switzerland event.