Author: Miguel Hurtado, CAPM

Miguel Hurtado

We are already in June. Indeed time keeps going even in times of crisis. Some countries have begun to recover to a normal time, face masks and social distance are nowadays habits we are used to seeing in our daily lives. Hard times means opportunity: online events, home office or delivery are growing and adapting to this pandemic situation.

PMI Switzerland made several online events with great success such as "PMI Online Coffee" and "Open Spaces: Project Management in a Remote Environment". We are pleased to have more due to the high demand and interest. For us it is a great success to know we can keep working for you also in hard times and in a virtual environment. In "PMI Online Coffee" we have the opportunity to meet our members while we enjoy a cup of coffee (tea is also accepted) and have a friendly morning chat, a great way to begin a new day. Feel free to join us.

I would like to ask you to keep healthy, body and soul. After the storm, the sun will come back. We made it before, we can do it again. Be positive and keep strong, for you and your family. 

I wish you a great time. Follow our social network profiles to keep informed.

"Fall seven times and stand up eight." - Japanese Proverb.