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Editorial PMI Switzerland Newsletter April 2021

Author: Shalini Krishnan, PMP

Shalini Krishnan 

Dear Members and Newsletter Subscribers!

“Spring is the time of plans and projects” – Leo Tolstoy 

Happy Easter!  Spring is in the air, with the last week of the ski season in full swing, and those not on the slopes enjoying sunshine with increasing temperatures.  Let’s hope that the renewed life that spring inevitably brings leads to a new celebration of life in Switzerland and around the world soon.  

It’s hard not to notice the negative impact of the pandemic everywhere, but let’s look at it with positivity and hope.  Anywhere you turn, you can see project management practices at work, in the development and testing of vaccines, in the logistics of vaccine delivery and in its administration to hundreds of millions of people. The project management practices are also at work in planning  the return to operations of all the institutions that had to shut down or curtail their services as part of the battle to “flatten the curve” which continues. While we can all agree that this past year has been challenging, there are lots of exciting innovations and positive outcomes if you look close enough, thanks to agile management of projects. 

I am excited to deliver my first ever editorial as one of your new copy editors. I received my PMP credentials in December 2020 and have joined the PMI Switzerland Chapter, hoping to interact with and meet like-minded project professionals such as yourself, in Switzerland. I encourage you to reach out with any ideas and suggestions you have for the newsletter, or if you’d just like to have a chat and meet someone new. I also invite your ideas for how we can further help our PMI members, and the larger community we live in. 


PM Master Class April: Building your personal brand

PM Master Class April: Building your personal brand

Most companies and individuals underestimate the power of social media. Personal branding is a key potential driver for today’s success in business. Establishing your professional brand and competence has never been this important. Beyond this, value in today’s economy is mostly about human relationships. Social networks are a key source of relevant information to get to know your prospects, customers and partners. To connect and engage with them. It has never been this efficient and even easy as it is today. If you do it right.

Learn “why, what and how” in an intense virtual training over 2 Saturday mornings lead by a pioneer and expert in the field. Yes, it will profoundly change how you see and operate your presence and activities on social media. You will see the impact right away, once you apply the




The PM Master Class Team engaged the Digital and Social media pioneer German Ramirez as trainer and is offering you this online seminar for an attractive fee. Mark your calendar and sign up here:

Introduction to the DA Mindset and the PMI DA Certificates

 Author: Nikola Goran Čutura, PMP

 Nikola Goran Cutura 100

After the initial Disciplined Agile event held virtually last June, that attracted more than 100 participants on-line, we are happy to continue with the series.

The next event will be the interactive workshop with Alvission, PMI training partner. This workshop will concentrate on real-world examples of DA and on possible certification paths. If you want more practical information oa DA practical usage and how you can benefit from being DA certified, this is the right opportunity!

Alvission will give a short introduction and then they will explain DA with a showcase and a practice example for an Agile Transformation with the DA Toolkit and how to choose your WoW, your Way of Working.


Participants will be able to ask questions and discuss with the DA experts. The four DA certificates offered by PMI are: DASM, DASSM, DAC and DAVSC.

During the workshop participants will learn what these abbreviations mean, understand the added value of the associated certificates and see the possibilities of becoming certified.


As a reminder, Disciplined Agile (DA) is a hybrid process toolkit that provides context-specific guidance for individuals and teams and is known as the world’s only comprehensive Agile Body of Knowledge.

Disciplined Agile is the business-leading process decision toolkit that links the collaboration of agile software development, DevOps, IT and business teams in your organization.

The Disciplined Agile (DA) Toolkit provides a simple guide to help organizations make context-sensitive choices about their Way of Working (WoW) to create a solid foundation for business agility.


The event is open to all interested parties and is free of charge so don’t hesitate to join and learn about new opportunities!

Looking forward to ZOOM-ing you on March 2nd at 18:30!


DA image2


PMP Open Space event February

Author: Patryk Nosalik, PMP

Patryk Nosalik

With so much disruption going on, where can you discuss the fundamentals of your everyday PMP practice? At PMI Open Spaces (OS)!


Since many of you like the interactive workshops where you can make network connections, whilst being heard in a safe space, we are starting 2021 with a bimonthly cycle of Open Spaces.

Last year we broached Agile topics, we went far out on the role of the Product Owner.  We found this on one hand ‘sexy’ but on the other maybe not so many of us actually are or have had much to do with all forms of Agility.  Yet most of us are, or hope to become, Project Management Professionals, so in conducting a retrospective of our last session, we want to start with something probably more relevant to all of us.

How many of you find that… you don’t use all of the knowledge areas covered by the PMBOK in your daily work? Yet are you fascinated by those areas?

Or, when flashing your PMP credential, may it be that the new project / new employer/ new client, could expect your expertise where maybe you haven’t had so much practice recently?

Or particularly in Switzerland, where so many PMI members are of an international background, would you like specific help on Swiss stakeholder management? Or even, are you Swiss and would like to put these international PMs straight?

Or have you found that the application of a particular knowledge area or technique is more problematic in your particular environment than you had thought just from learning about it? And despite the forthcoming changes in the new PMBOK, you still need to know the fundamentals of project management. 


So, this is why we feel there is a need to provide a safe space to address these potential issues and questions you may have. In order to make sure it is safe, i.e. that you may want to share some of the things that you find difficult, we are making some improvements to our meeting:

  • No recording – no, you won’t see the event after the event. You are free to share secrets and it stays within the few people in your breakout room.
  • Smaller breakout rooms – it is easier to open up to a few people than to many, so we will open many small break out rooms to create the necessary intimacy and so you can build trust more easily with your colleagues.
  • It may sound obvious, but we’ll facilitate an ice-breaker so you know who you are sharing your know-how with, and this will help you make good network connections, something you can’t always do at a typical webinar.
  • We only have the topics that you bring, in this way we don’t have issues someone else found interesting but could be irrelevant for you. So do come armed with your real-life problems you want solved by your trusted expert colleagues.

We can go over any topics you have, as that is how an Open Space works. Since we also like to share the know-how of the facilitation format as much as we see value in its outcome, I provide here the Open Spaces principles and how this next session is to be run.  Of course you can adapt to your own needs in your company. Usual purposes of these are to use the collective intelligence of all the participants, not hampered by hierarchy or silo, such as for creative ventures, problem solving and retrospectives.


OS Principles:

  • Whoever comes is the right people
  • Whatever happens is the only thing that could have
  • When it starts is the right time* 
  • When it's over, it's over **
  • The Law of Two Feet ***

Now since they were devised for a physical environment, I here offer adaptations to an online format: 

* We will start on time, but when we go to breakout-rooms within the event may vary  

** We will probably go on until the allocated time, but we can give ourselves the flexibility in the future

*** “The Law…” this refers to the possibility of using your “two feet” to go elsewhere if you want to add or gain value elsewhere, so online this would mean going between breakout rooms at the event. If leaving the event altogether, for the benefit of learning so important in agility, please do let us know why you leave if you do, it would be most kindly appreciated.


Proposed OS format for 18th February: 

  1. All participants start in one room with an introduction of the theme to be addressed.
  2. All participants introduce themselves in say 10-30 seconds (depending on numbers) say name, position, company, what is the main thing they’re coming with  (a summary, not the detailed question or case study at this stage).
  3. The participants are invited to add their questions for discussion to the backlog 
  4. The Backlog of items to be discussed is in the hands of the facilitator and could be visible to all.
  5. Participants can add to the backlog either on own or via organiser or facilitator depending on the set up chosen.
  6. A backlog of items can either be collected in advance or from the participants, or brought in for the meeting, (on the 18th we will do it at the meeting itself) in which case a part of the time of the session is for this backlog creation.
  7. Facilitator will take a few items, create breakout rooms for each, and participants may go to any room they like.
  8. The room will be held open for a short time, say 5-10 minutes.
  9. The person whose question it is, should ask it to the group to get answers and clarify any uncertainties until they get the required understanding. 
  10. Anyone else in the room can answer, comment, and so on.
  11. Discussion for each item is timeboxed to a predetermined several minutes, i.e. 5-10 minutes.
  12. People can change rooms (law of two feet).
  13. At the end of the time, everyone comes back to the main room.
  14. Facilitator takes the next few items to be addressed, and the rooms are recreated for the new items.
  15. Participants can add to the backlog at any time.
  16. At the end, everyone should reconvene for a general Q&A / feedback sharing.

Now whilst the theme is classic PMP areas, Open Spaces themselves are an agile meeting format, so we do reserve the right to some changes on the 18th, and that’s ok. If this event goes well, we’d like to hear of participants' engagement to fuel topics for further themes to these cyclical drop-in interactive events made by PMI Switzerland for you, be it around classic PMP or agile PM topics. In the meantime, see you 18th February!


Editorial PMI Switzerland Newsletter January 2021

Author: Geetanjali Bhat, PMP 


Dear members and newsletter subscribers!

A difficult year gone by! With 2021 ringing in, new hopes and desires of well-being throughout the world arises. As Switzerland is going through stricter measures and regulations during this pandemic, we continue to learn and grow together in PMI Switzerland community. There is no stopping for all of us to work and learn harder than ever, keeping our spirits alive.

PMI Switzerland community is striving continuously the best learning outcomes through latest innovations in various subject areas. Last year, we had an exceptional response for our online events, our online events and meets are continuing to be successful with newer additions. With a series of events that would support all our members in their careers is the latest edition to our regular online events.

It’s great to see that we were able to put PMI’s structures and processes today in these challenging times into practice. With successful PMI online coffee meets, online events, online workshops, and now the latest addition of career event series. I am sure this is just the beginning, there is more to rejoice and learn together in 2021.  

I would like to thank PMI Switzerland community for creating innovative online events and takeaways every month,aspiring  all of us to stay committed and focused in our expertise.

I wish every member of PMI community, a very Happy, Healthy and Safe Year. Let’s all think positive and keep learning ensuring  a great 2021 ahead.


Geetanjali Bhat