Members Introduction

Katalin Juhasz - January 2020

Juhász Katalin

Katalin has been working as an organizational development expert for the past ten years leading a wide variety of HR projects aiming to help organizations to develop their capabilities to increase their organizational effectiveness.

Katalin’s projects have been covering the whole HR spectrum, focusing mainly on change management, employee engagement and organizational culture shaping, combining the project- and change management practices as per the PMP and PROSCI certificates. The beauty of her field is to demonstrate a balancing act between the “hard” and “soft” elements of project management.

In the past three years, as a global lead employee engagement Katalin have been leading the people survey portfolio in Telenor Group (a global telecommunications company being present in 11 European and Asian countries with 22.000+ employees). In her current position Katalin works with advanced data analytics, like text mining methodology, helping executive teams to better understand the dynamics of organizational health.

Katalin moved to Geneva at the beginning of this year, exchanging beautiful Budapest to the beautiful mountains and lake view here. She decided to join the Switzerland PMI chapter to be part of a professional community to find opportunities for knowledge sharing, inspiration and socializing.

Katalin likes any kind of sport activities and recently she was participating in long distance triathlon competitions. Her other passion is aromatherapy, which ultimately resulted in establishing her own company, launching a product line aiming to help people tuning to the right emotional or mental state.

Katalin is very much looking forward to get know the members of the chapter.

You can learn more about Katalin by visiting her LinkedIn page. 

Peter Chadwick - December 2019

peter chadwick

From the UK originally, but living and working worldwide out of France and Sweden since 1994. Peter has the classic career progression from Mechanical Engineering to Project, Program & Portfolio Management, mainly in the automotive industry.

Just over 10 years ago, Peter took a complementary, parallel track to his project management career thread: he studied and obtained qualifications as a Coach with a speciality in the domain of Applied Cultural Intelligence. Peter has coached, trained and mentored both in the organisations he has been working for and independently which has taken him to many countries over the years

These days, Peter concentrate his energy on the company he created in 2010 – Island Hoppers (continents are just big islands, “no man is an island”, island-hopping should be fun!). Peter particularly appreciates assisting with opportunities to leverage cultural and technological intelligence in order to address some of the issues facing the world today.

Peter is enjoying his life with family and friends. Above and beyond that, Peter enjoys walking in the mountains, flying (he has a Private Pilot’s Licence from France and a float plane qualification from Canada), scuba diving or snorkelling when he is near the sea and classic car and motorcycle tinkering.

You can learn more about Peter by visiting his LinkedIn profile

Damien Gautier - December 2019

Damien Gautier

Damien has extensive experience in IT project/product management and team management, and he had to manage large and complex projects involving more than 50 people. A continuous-learning mindset enables Damien with the latest facts and bright ideas, so he can be a leader in creating value for clients and helping teams to excel and get noticed. What his clients, colleagues and managers appreciate are the trusted relationships Damien can create with all stakeholders in a project.

Damien has used internal methodologies and then Prince2 for project management. Now Damien is preparing for PMP Certification and would like to play a role in the Swiss Chapter of the PMI in the coming months...

Damien is very happy to join a large community that speaks about the heart of his profession.

You can learn more about Damien by visiting his LinkedIn profile.

Rémy Stoll - December 2019

Rémy Stoll

Rémy is a material engineer with 20+ years of experience in developing products and processes for the plastics industry. Portfolios he managed ranges from the launch of new product generations to international, full factory relocations. He is now freelancing as a Technology Manager for industrial projects and organizations.

Rémy is a long-distance bicycle commuter and enjoys any kind of outdoor activity. His personal vision is to improve people’s quality of life through technology.

He has joined the Swiss chapter for accessing a great local network of smart people who make things happen.

You can learn more about Remy by visiting his LinkedIn profile