armin reicharz

Armin is 57 years old, graduated at EPFL in 1988 in materials science. Since then Armin worked essentially in the electromechanical industry where he held various roles from research, design, project management and more recently technical director of a Swiss SME producing professional appliances.

Armin was always interested in working in transversal roles, where he could learn a lot from communication with other professionals from various areas. This is how Armin developed a sensibility for the challenges of project management, especially in SME’s.

Armin is currently looking for a new opportunity in his career, where he could maybe help others gain more confidence with their own project and share some of his experiences.

Armin is glad to join the Swiss PMI chapter and get in touch with people sharing same interests in the world of project management.

You can learn more about Armin by visiting his LinkedIn profile