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PMI Switzerland Chapter Newsletter: April 2023

PMI Switzerland Chapter Newsletter: April 2023

PMI Switzerland Chapter Newsletter

April 2023 - Volume 23 - Issue 04

Project Manager Networking Lunch Basel (April)

Project Manager Networking Apéro in Zurich

PMI Coffee Talk April 2023

Project Manager Networking Lunch in Geneva (April)

Resilience in project leadership – tools from elite sports

PMI-CH Running Team: 20km of Lausanne

Project Manager Networking Lunch Basel (May)

Project Manager Networking Apéro in Geneva (May)

Let’s play: Facilitating your next strategy planning (Zurich)

Project Manager Networking Lunch Basel (June)


Philip Springuel, PMP,  

Newsletter Copy Editor


Dear colleagues,

To open this April Newsletter, PMI Switzerland President Stefan Vesenmeier, in his Message from the Board, offers valuable advice for project managers who must put themselves and the project in question. In a separate article, Stefan explains the benefits of an opportunity to join PMI Switzerland’s team in Basel.

Other highlights of this month’s newsletter include more advice for project managers in articles relating to private time management; resilience; and the powerful ingredients of ‘belonging’ in project teams. As he does each month in your newsletter, Alp Camci introduces you to a selection of new members of PMI Switzerland’s community. Join us to learn new skills, obtain valuable training and attend exceptional networking events.

With best regards,


[PMI Switzerland Chapter]

Message from the Board‍

Author: Stefan Vesenmeier, PMP, DASSM

President PMI Switzerland Chapter

 Am I a good project manager?


I think every project manager asks a similar question sooner or later. After two sobering team meetings, I recently asked myself this question again. After 3 months of the project, I had to admit that some team members were still not working towards the big picture. Each team was energetically working on solutions in their own area, but deeper collaboration with other teams was limited to selective coordination.


So good advice was expensive. After some face-to-face conversations ... - but stop! I don't want to talk here about this specific project problem, the solution path, and the resulting consequences. What is important for me is that we (the project management team) recognized the problem, and that I then analyzed it and proactively addressed it.


Now to come back to my original question. Yes, I do think that I am a good project manager.


To me, a good project manager is characterized by constantly questioning the project and him/herself; the project manager should try to solve problems and challenges immediately and proactively. The emphasis should not be on blaming the cause, but on eliminating the current problem.


My definition of a good project manager is: Having always open eyes and ears, and be honest with yourself. When dealing with challenges, focus on eliminating the problem rather than dwelling too much on the cause. And always remember "we are all only human".


I wish all of you that this advice is not relevant for you, because as good project managers you have no problems in your projects anyway 😉.


All the best and many greetings,




Stefan Vesenmeier



Personal retrospective vs information waterfall

‍Author: Joanna Lubowiecka

As human beings living in 2023, we are literally bombarded with information from the very beginning of our day, to the last minute. The data-to-process-bomb-journey starts with turning off the alarm clock on our phones, to immediately check if there is any new notification on a display. As the day passes, we are constantly filled with information on news platforms or radio, pictures and stories on social media, conversation at home and work, phone and video games, and many more that could be added here.


Apart from the health consequences, the concerning part here is that we are on the 100% brain usage mode from minute one to the last minute of our days. Everyday. We consume so much data every day that our brains and bodies are more tired than ever


Enjoy the full article: [Click here]


Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging (DEIB) – A Peek into the Future??

‍Author: Eric Jelenje, PMP

As the world continues transitioning, organisations are in a battle against time to achieve long-term relevance. This requires leveraging an array of mindsets, skills and experience, amongst others, something that, according to PMI’s Pulse of the Profession® 2023 report, 9 out of 10 business and project leaders recognise as essential to project success. After all, it is projects that are catalysts for business evolution.

At the heart of these efforts is an organisation’s most valuable resource: its people.


2020’s Pulse of the Profession® report titled “A Case for Diversity” affirmed the significance of diverse, equitable and inclusive workforces to achieving high organisational performance. 


Enjoy the full article: [Click here]


Resilience + Sustainability = Uncompromising Energy (if you don’t have enough, try this!) – an interview with Michka Guerrier

‍Author: Patryk Nosalik, PMP

Killer athlete, Career superstar and Business owner is not enough – Aspiring mountain guide and father and so much more – how does he do it and how can you do so too? Yep, unbelievable it will never work (stop reading here) yet… in fact so possible. I interviewed Michka Guerrier whom I met in the preparation of the next live event in Geneva – because he will be presenting there.  We’ll even cover why this is relevant to project managers!


Enjoy the full interview: [Click here]

‍[Community PMI CH]

Members Update

Author: Alp Camci, PMP

A warm welcome to all new members that joined our Chapter.

Congratulations also to the members who obtained certifications in March.


The following members provided information about themselves: Remy Kersch, Felipe Hilario and Yolanda Martin Mosquera.


Do you want to be a member of the Basel Event Team?

‍Author: Stefan Vesenmeier, PMP, DASSM

As a proud, newly certified PMP, I had first visited an event organized by PMI Switzerland in Basel 13 years ago. As I liked the presentation and especially the familiar atmosphere at the following aperitif, I attended other events, which took place about every 6 weeks at that time. Although I had only been there for a short time, I quickly had the feeling that I belonged and was a part of this PM community.

I was even more pleased when I was invited by a team member to a team meeting of the PMI event team in Basel.


Enjoy the full article: [Click here]

[Social media]

What's‍ New on Your YouTube Channel?

The PMI Switzerland Chapter has developped its own YouTube channel. Every month you can watch interesting topics about project management and all around.


Discover the last 3 videos posted on the channel:




The next Newsletter will be published on Monday 1st of May.

Would you want your article as a part of it?


Please share it with us until the 24th of April through our Google Form [Click here].


Stefan Vesenmeier, PMP, DASSM

Alp Camci, PMP

Adi Muslic, PMP

Joanna Lubowiecka

Patryk Nosalik, PMP

Eric Jelenje, PMP



Copy Editor:

Philip Springuel, PMP

Technical Editor:

Tansu Pancar, PMP

Publications Director:
Daniel Rodellar, PMP

The PMI Switzerland Chapter is a non-profit professional business organization, and is a chartered chapter of the Project Management Institute (PMI), Newtown Square, PA, USA.

Views and opinions expressed in the newsletter are those of the authors and, unless otherwise stated, do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the chapter or PMI or imply partnership.


© Copyright 2022 Project Management Institute Switzerland Chapter. All rights reserved.

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