Author: Lisa Gryzagoridis, PMP, DASM Lisa Gryzagoridis



Dear Readers,

As we launch another edition of our newsletter, let's explore some important updates and opportunities within our chapter.

Our election period is now open, and if you have ever considered assuming a leadership role, further details about the election process can be found in the PMI Elections Reminder article.

Additionally, we are excited to announce the International Project Management Day event on October 30th, featuring a nationwide SimulTrain®-based competition. This event offers a chance for members to demonstrate their project management skills in a dynamic simulation environment.

For those interested in the intersection of technology and project management, be sure to read Ala Lutz' segment on the Top 10 GenAI prompts, which furnishes readers with a useful cheat sheet for optimising project planning and execution tasks.

Also featured, is an article from our PM Conference 2024's Gold Sponsor, Capture, wherein they showcase advancements in portfolio management through their in-house application - SmartCapture. This tool offers streamlined processes and clearer project oversight.

As always, you can discover our Social Impact Team's latest achievements in this month's update on their collaborative social impact activities.

Lastly, our BoD is actively enhancing member experiences through various initiatives, including website improvements and enriching events. We encourage you to read about these efforts in this month's Message from the Board and consider how you might like to become involved.

We hope that you find this edition informative and engaging. Here's to advancing our project management practices together.

Happy reading!

Best regards,
