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PMI Switzerland Chapter Newsletter: July/August 2022

PMI Switzerland Chapter Newsletter: July/August 2022

PMI Switzerland Chapter Newsletter

July & August 2022 - Volume 22 - Issue 7&8


‍Author: Philip Springuel, PMP

Dear friends, colleagues and volunteers,


This month’s PMI Switzerland newsletter gets you started on your summer break. We offer a quick reminder to register and attend this week’s Afterwork Networking, 5 July at White Horse in Lausanne. Equally important, we invite you to save the date for the upcoming 11th PMI Switzerland PM Conference, to be held 21 September.


Featured in this month’s newsletter is Can Izgi’s most welcome article: Four Myths About Agile, which will reassure many of us about succeeding with agile projects.

Also find 5 new member profiles in this newsletter.


Finally, for the upcoming 2023-2024 PMI Swiss chapter election term, we call on active PMI CH members to contact us if you are ready for action, collaboration with great people and a lot of fun! Read the article for application details and contact information. As always, find much more about PMI Switzerland on our website and social media channels.

Wishing you success ahead and a pleasant summertime.


Philip SPRINGUEL, PMI Switzerland Newsletter Copy Editor

[PMI Switzerland Chapter]

Message from the Board‍

Philippe Soupart PMP

VP Operations

PMI Switzerland is delighted to announce its forth coming 11th edition PMI Conference that will be held at PwC centre in Zurich on the 21st of September 2022.

We are aware of the existence of some voices out there that claim that “project management is dead”. We at PMI Switzerland do not believe in those assertions at all, we are convinced that
Project management is alive and kicking. We believe that it will certainly evolve and adapt due to new technologies, changing market forces and societal changes.


Enjoy the full article: [Click here]

[New event] 

NEWSFLASH / 11th PMI CH Conference / Save the date

‍Authors:  Valérie Pierre  PMP and Adi Muslic PMP

PMI Switzerland is delighted to announce the 11th edition of its PM Conference.

The conference will be held in person at PwC Zurich, Sophie-Taeuber-Strasse 14, CH-8050 Zürich on Sep 21, 2022, under the theme “Innovation in Project Management - Shaping the Future of Projects”.

Enjoy the full article: [Click here]

[New event] 

Project Managers Networking Afterwork

Project management professionals, bring a friend, a colleague and join us for our last afterwork event before the summer break, on 5 July at the White Horse in Lausanne!


To subscribe to the free event: [Click here]

‍[Community PMI CH]

Members Update

‍Author: Alp Camci, PMP

A warm welcome to all new members that joined our Chapter.
Congratulations also to the members who obtained certifications in May.

The following members provided information about themselves: Ganesh Gopalan, Matthew Shaw, Nefiye Erkan, Sara Mobarhanfard and Tansu Pancar.


[PMI Switzerland Chapter]

PMI Swiss Chapter Elections Announcement

Authors: Alp Camci, PMP and Elena Milusheva, PMP‍

In the PMI world, everything starts with our volunteers. And this is valid not only for the
newsletter, the website and the events, but also for the chapter strategy and leadership.


For the upcoming 2023-2024 election term, we are looking for active PMI Swiss chapter
members who...


Enjoy the full article: [Click here]

[Lessons Learned]

Four Myths About Agile

‍‍Author: Can Izgi, PMP, PMI-ACP

I deliver a lot of Agile courses. There are some questions that come up in my lectures, which are the result of myths people believe about Agile. Some of these myths are related to the misinterpretation of the Agile Manifesto. Below we see the four values of the manifesto: 

Manifesto for Agile Software Development

We are uncovering better ways of developing software by doing it and helping others do it.

Through this work we have come to value...

Enjoy the full article: [Click here]

[Social media]

What's‍ New on Your YouTube Channel?

The PMI Switzerland Chapter has developped its own YouTube channel. Every month you can watch interesting topics about project management and all around.


Discover the last 3 videos posted on the channel:

The next Newsletter will be published on Monday 5th of September. 

Would you want your article as a part of it?


Please share it with us until the 26th of August through our Google Form [Click here].


Philip Springuel, PMP

Philippe Soupart, PMP

Valérie Pierre, PMP

Adi Muslic, PMP

Alp Camci, PMP

Elena Milusheva, PMP‍

Can Izgi, PMP, PMI-ACP

‍Copy Editor:

Philip Springuel, PMP

Technical Editors:

Thierry Altenhoven, PMP

Thando Dube, PMP

Publications Director:
Daniel Rodellar, PMP

‍The PMI Switzerland Chapter is a non-profit professional business organization, and is a chartered chapter of the Project Management Institute (PMI), Newtown Square, PA, USA.

Views and opinions expressed in the newsletter are those of the authors and, unless otherwise stated, do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the chapter or PMI or imply partnership.


© Copyright 2022 Project Management Institute Switzerland Chapter. All rights reserved.

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